Anis Mojgani
recitied by Jackson Snow
The reason I chose Shake the Dust is because I have to lines I can relate to and they are ¨ this is for the schoolyard wimps and the childhood bullies who tormented them¨. The first quote helps me relate to being a childhood bully and wimp. When I was a bully I thought I was a god and immortal, when I was a wimp I thought people were going to bully me and treat me like snot.
The reason I chose this picture is because it stood out to me because that is all bullies are people looking for attention and getting people to be scared of them.
This image tell´s a story of people looking for something to do because it is rough somewhere for them and so they decide to take it out on people that are weaker than them.
The people I would speak this to is probably my parents because they can understand what I have done as a bully and a wimp.
The people I wouldn´t tell this to is everybody else but my parents.
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